Comparison of four radiofrequency ablation systems at two target volumes in an ex vivo bovine liver model
Interventional Radiology - Original Article
P: 251 - 258
May 2014

Comparison of four radiofrequency ablation systems at two target volumes in an ex vivo bovine liver model

Diagn Interv Radiol 2014;20(3):251-258
1. Department of Radiology, Charité University Medicine, Berlin, Germany
2. Institute of Radiology, Charite Universitaetsmedizin, Berlin, Germany
3. Department of Radiology, Jena University, Jena, Germany
4. Department of Material Sciences and Process Engineering, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria.
5. Department of Radiology, Charité-University Medicine, Berlin, Germany
6. Department of Radiology, Jena University, Jena, Germany.
No information available.
No information available
Received Date: 12.04.2013
Accepted Date: 05.10.2013



We aimed to validate actually achieved macroscopic ablation volumes in relation to calculated target volumes using four different radiofrequency ablation (RFA) systems operated with default settings and protocols for 3 cm and 5 cm target volumes in ex vivo bovine liver.


Sixty-four cuboid liver specimens were ablated with four commercially available RFA systems (Radionics Cool-tip, AngioDynamic 1500X, Boston Scientific RF 3000, Celon CelonPower LAB): 16 specimens for each system; eight for 3 cm, and eight for 5 cm. Ablation diameters were measured, volumes were calculated, and RFA times were recorded.


For the 3 cm target ablation volume, all tested RFA systems exceeded the mathematically calculated volume of 14.14 cm3. For the 3 cm target ablation volume, mean ablation volume and mean ablation time for each RFA system were as follows: 28.5±6.5 cm3, 12.0±0.0 min for Radionics Cool-tip; 17.1±4.9 cm3, 9.36±0.63 min for AngioDynamic 1500X; 29.7±11.7 cm3, 4.60±0.50 min for Boston Scientific RF 3000; and 28.8±7.0 cm3, 20.85±0.86 min for Celon CelonPower LAB. For the 5 cm target ablation volume, Radionics Cool-tip (48.3±9.9 cm3, 12.0±0.0 min) and AngioDynamic 1500X (39.4±16.2 cm3, 19.59±1.13 min) did not reach the mathematically calculated target ablation volume (65.45 cm3), whereas Boston Scientific RF 3000 (71.8±14.5 cm3, 9.15±2.93 min) and Celon CelonPower LAB (93.9±28.1 cm3, 40.21±1.78 min) exceeded it.


While all systems reached the 3 cm target ablation volume, results were variable for the 5 cm target ablation volume. Only Boston Scientific RF 3000 and Celon CelonPower LAB created volumes above the target, whereas Radionics Cool-tip and AngioDynamic 1500X remained below the target volume. For the 3 cm target ablation volume, AngioDynamic 1500X with 21% deviation was closest to the target volume. For the 5 cm target volume Boston Scientific RF 3000 with 10% deviation was closest.
